Netfyrirlestur um hinsegin málefni og rannsóknir: Dr. Mohammad Naeimi

Lykilorð: 268300

Viðburður á vegum Háskóla Íslands. 

Veru- og fyrirbærafræðileg staða hinsegin múslima á tímum hinsegin þjóðernishyggju og trúarlegs ofstækis
Í erindinu verður fjallað um mótun sjálfsveruháttar hinsegin múslima og hvernig samtvinnun mismunabreyta mótar reynslu þeirra og sjálfsvitund. Stuðst verður við hugmyndir og skrif Söru Ahmed um hinsegin fyrirbærafræði en jafnframt verður leitað í kenningar Michael Foucault um hvernig sjálfið er mótað í gegnum orðræðuna. Segja má að hinsegin múslimar trufli hina ríkjandi orðræðu á Vesturlöndum sem og á tíðum hverfist um hvítleika og samkynhneigða þjóðernishyggju.
Um höfund:
Dr. Mohammad Naeimi er aðjúnkt við Menntavísindasvið, Deild menntunar og margbreytileika, og stundar rannsóknir á sviði hinseginfræða með áherslu á samtvinnun kyngervis, kynverundar, skóla og menntunar. Hann lauk doktorsprófi frá Veronaháskóla. Um þessar mundir vinnur hann m.a. að rannsóknum á hinsegin þjóðernishyggju og hvernig slíkt birtist innan menntakerfa / skólasamfélagsins.
Ontology and phenomenology of queer muslims in the time of homonationalism and religious fundamentalism. 
Complicating the dialogue among gender, sexuality, and religion, this talk will discuss an assemblage of theories regarding the ontological and phenomenological understanding of queer Muslims in Europe and the intersectionality of their identities and precariousness in terms of being queer, Muslim, and (im)migrant. Focusing on the search of alternatives, which is inherent in the deconstructive project of postmodernism, to the static identity conceptualization, the talk will show that ontologically queer Muslims fit neatly into the postmodern project of conceptualizing multiple identities since queerness and being Muslim, from a Foucauldian perspective, are two discursive constructions that can be envisioned together. Further, by drawing on Ahmed’s queer phenomenology, queer Muslims, might queer and disturb the order of things not only within the Muslim community that they belong to but also can be depicted as a threat to the European values and ever-growing coalition of neoliberals, white, middle-class queer activists, conservatives, and homonationalists.
Dr. Mohammad Naeimi is a lecturer and researcher in gender, politics, and education at the University of Iceland, School of Education and Diversity and a member of PoliTeSse (Research Center for Politics and Theories of Sexuality) at the University of Verona, Italy. He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Philosophy and Gender Studies in 2020, at the Department of Human Sciences of the University of Verona with a doctoral thesis on the impact of modernity on the epistemological-historical shift of Iranian same-sex desire into gayness from a Foucauldian perspective. Recently, his research concerns the workings of heteronationalism and homonationalism at formal and community-based educational settings, queer activism in the global south, and queer immigrants belonging formation.